A Plethora of Transitional Fossils

Creationists love to talk about there being no transitional fossils. Well, kick back and take a look at thousands of them!


October 28, 2010 at 12:07 PM Dee said...

Hi Karl

Which creationists like to talk about there being no transitional species? I know quite a few who are theistic evolutionists , such as Francis Collins, who accept evolution and have no problem with such a concept. In fact, it seems to me, a believer in creation, that there is plenty of proof for them.

Under your terminology section, you admirably deal with definitions and precise meanings. I would like to add one more to your list, theistic evolutionist. These are folks who believe that a transcendent Uncaused First Cause started the whole shooting match which eventually led to the creation of man.

Also, you mentioned that atheism is based on belief while agnosticism is based on knowledge. Could you please expand on this a bit? I am a bit confused.

Your blog site is well designed and attractive.

October 28, 2010 at 4:49 PM Karl said...


The easiest explenation is maybe something like this. Atheism describes my position in terms of my beliefs or faith, I believe or don't believe in the existence of God. While Agnosticism speaks to my ability to know whether those beliefs are actually true and based in fact. Agnosticism is not a mid-way point between theism and atheism.

So, the four possibilities we are left with are...


I believe that God exists (theist) AND
I do not or cannot know for certain that God exists (agnostic)


I believe that God exists (theist) AND
I know for certain that God exists (gnostic)


I do not believe that God exists (Atheist) AND
I do not or cannot know for certain that God doesn't exist (agnostic)


I do not believe that God exists (Atheist) AND
I know for certain that God does not exist (gnostic)

Was that helpful?

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