Creationism in a UK classroom

Is this what you want your child learning instead of science? Do you think this will prepare them better for the world they live in? If this isn't a form of child abuse I'm not sure what is.


Is the Bible the Word of God?

An interesting viewpoint. The inability of men to differentiate dogma from deity...


Is Evolution a Religion?

The speaker make a very thorough case that neither science nor evolution can be considered in any probable way a "religion".


Is Creation Science - Science?

Lots of talk going on these days. Many people seem to believe that creation science, the belief that the Genesis account is scientific fact, is actually a valid form of scientific inquiry. Watch the video, listen to whats presented, then you decide.


A Plethora of Transitional Fossils

Creationists love to talk about there being no transitional fossils. Well, kick back and take a look at thousands of them!


Evolutionary Evidence for Common Descent

OK, this guy talks WAY too fast, he is spewing out information like, well...FAST! Listen till the end, after a bit you get into the rhythm and can actually start to follow him. A great presentation!!


Abiogenesis - How It All Could Have Started

A nice video which shows, just using chemistry, how the whole process could have started.


How our Brain Synthesizes Happiness

Not the usual drivel. A fascinating look at how our brain synthesizes happiness and the repercussions of it, in our day to day decision making processes.


A Scientific Basis for Morality

This is one of the more thought provoking videos I've seen. Sam Harris argues at a TED conference for the ability, not only of science to help formulate our morality but also form a more restrictive view of what should pass as "acceptable" morals. Maybe a better way to say it is that not everything that people or cultures have to offer should automatically be accepted as a viable possibility in terms of creating a flourishing society of well adjusted people.

I would dearly like to hear what others think of Sam's presentation. I believe it would make an excellent foundation for further discussions. I'm looking forward to the comments.
